Covid 19 FAQs

What are the learning options for RJA students?

RJA schools has Traditional In-Person Learning (Monday through Friday) and Virtual or Independent Study Learning options.  The virtual and independent option is a program allowing students to work entirely from their own homes.

Can I switch between learning options if my family situation changes?

Yes! If your family situation changes, please contact the office staff at your school.  They will help you make the change.

What health safety measures are in place for students, staff, and visitors?

Students who exhibit symptoms of illness, or have a temperature over 100 should not come to school until they are fever free without the use of medication for 24-hours. Parents/Guardians should contact the office to let us know your child is home with an illness.  We can provide school-work students can complete at home, as they feel able. Students will be supported to make-up for any missed learning.
We encourage students to regularly wash their hands; and, maintain distance from individuals exhibiting symptoms of illness.  Students who show symptoms of illness at school will be isolated until their parent/guardian can pick them up.  We have hand sanitizer available to students, and routinely clean and disinfect classrooms and common areas.

If you have any more questions, please call your school office.

Thank you